Friday, February 20, 2009

Free Heirloom Seeds?

Yes it is possible. Man people who are into this planet are just awesome. I can honestly say that people who truly love the earth usually also love and try to help other people. The two principles are actually inseparable in my honest opinion. I recently saw a post on the barter section of craigslist. I really like that section of craigslist its extremely interesting and valuable goods and services are waiting to be had. For those of you who are planning your very own organic food garden this spring I met this person and he passed along some great information on a great site for free heirloom seeds! The site is
Now I don't know about you but thats just cool. All you need to do is first the hard part. Decide which awesome veggies you want to grow and then second send her two self addressed stamped envelopes for your seeds! Its that easy. She's not marketing anything she's not selling anything she's just helping people out with awesome quality heirloom seeds. Oh before I forget have you ever seen a fresh organic tomato? If not its the most vividly red appealling sight you can imagine. YUM! I'm thinking fresh tomato sandwiches with juice running down the side of my mouth. Get your seeds!


Anonymous said...

This is very cool. Thank you!
The Eclectic Witch

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